Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Having easily thwarted the door guard our heroes pressed on into Villa Fiera. They quickly found the performers' ready room and the door to the stage in the main hall of Villa Fiera. They decided that performing wasn't the wisest of choices so they looked around for ways to disguise themselves as servants and sneak into the main hall. While they were looking they were told that they should prepare to go on stage by a servant of no authority, but he warned them because the master of ceremonies for the party was expecting a performance after the group that was on already. Our heroes began a frantic search through the servants' quarters for servants outfits but were unable to find ones that matched the ones the servants' were wearing out into the hall. Then the MC found them snooping through the servants' room. She was a loud dwarvish woman with a singular goal: Get a set of performers on stage when the others were done. She took no guff and didn't really care why they were in the servants' quarters but herded them up on stage (sorry guys!). Once on stage they had an amazing performance. They also managed to spot their friend the head of the gnomish merchant guild. I'm using the word friend very loosely here. They had the crowd enraptured that night. Then they heard the yelling from backstage. The MC had discovered that they were not the performing group sent by the performers guild and nobody knew who they were. Wasting no time after their excellent performance they announced their exit and proceeded to perform their way out of Villa Fiera. They almost made it out the door when they were stopped by a woman wearing a tiara. Onala and Nessa noticed that she had small horns hidden beneath the tiara. She thanked them for their performance and handed them a purse. They skedaddled and went looking for a place to sleep. On the way they examined the purse. After much magical inquiry they determined that it was harmless, but only after dumping the substantial golden contents out on the street. They were nearly to an inn when they were accosted by two ruffians who wished to take their gold. The group made short work of the ruffians and again looked for a different inn. Then we broke for the night.

Thoughts: Overall I think it went well but there was a lot of railroading involved this time around. I'm not sure if it was something I could have changed to make the game more fun for the players. However they were in need of a bit of prodding that night so there was a little need. I probably could have railroaded them less.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I seem to have failed on the writing

The actual writing part of this blog hasn't turned out as well as I had hoped. Fortunately I'm at least keeping up a little bit with the recap part of the blog. Again I missed last week. I don't remember why but I'm sure there was no good reason for missing the writing last week.

A week ago the performing group was again rejoined only to split up again. They all gathered at the Hammer and Pint for a little food while they watched the gnomes. The gnomes eventually left and when they did, Onala and Prosepon were nominated for ninja duty. More on that next session. Tin, Berenwick, and Nessa set out to find the carpenter and his daughter. Thankfully they didn't have to look too far. The carpenter's daughter was waiting outside the Hammer and Pint for them. She lead the three of them to her father's shop and departed from their presence. They spied the carpenter working in the back of the shop. They began to question him about his captivity. He couldn't tell them much but they soon became aware that he wasn't telling them everything. Despite a very blunt explosion by Tin they were unable to extract much information from him other than he was being held in a warehouse near the Temple of the Nine Muses. They headed back to the Sky Serpent Inn to wait for Prosepon and Onala to get back. Since we lacked a Prosepon the session ended there.

In our next session we lead off with Prosepon and Onala tailing the gnomes through the city. They snuck through highway and byway until they found themselves in the warehouse district of Douxfield. Near the Temple of the Nine Muses their pursuit came to a halt at a warehouse with only gnome sized doors. After a short debate they entered through one of the side doors. They were incredible ninjas, not even the workers in the warehouse saw them in their intrusion. In the middle of the warehouse they found the gnome from the Hammer and Pint talking to another gnome. The gnomes conversed about the removal of our heroes performing group from the city. The younger of the two inquired if they should contact a mysterious group known only as "The Owls". The older believed they were unnecessary. At this point they bid each other good bye with the elder making known his plans to attend the ball at Villa Fiera.
Onala and Prosepon quickly escaped after determining they would not discover anything more and returned to the Sky Serpent Inn. They shortly informed their companions of their findings. The group agreed to invade the party as performers to find out more about the older gnome at the warehouse. A goodly amount of time was spent deciding on disguises before they headed to Villa Fiera. Once there they discovered a long line to get into the lavish villa as House Fiera was known for their parties. They looked around until they found a servants entrance and bluffed their way past the dwarven guard at the door and into the party. This is where we left our heroes and where we'll pick up next weekend.

I was quite please with the session although the focus wasn't there as much as I would have liked. That happens with chat games. Next week should be plenty of fun for all involved.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

More shortness

I missed last week. I'm sure there is a reason but I don't remember it. Thus this week there will be two recaps rolled into one. I'll try to keep them manageable.

After our intrepid performers had a good night's rest they woke to enact their plan of pretending to leave the city. They quickly packed their bags and loaded up their cart. As they hitched up their donkey and left the Sky Serpent Inn they noticed that their performing schedule had been replaced by a blank wooden sign. They made a reasonable show of leaving the town as their cart bumped its way out into the vineyards that surrounded the town of Douxfield. After much debate they decided to hide their cart in a vineyard with a large barn. They hide it very very well. Then the session ended as people had to go. Short session but generally accomplished.

Starting out the next week our players split up to sneak back into the city to attract less attention. Prosepon and Berenwick went in a laborer's gate to bed down Seene, their donkey while Onala, Tin, and Nessa. Prosepon and Berenwick lead off by heading to find a stable for the donkey. They quickly found a place to bed down Seene but Berenwick noticed a gnome watching them. When he looked again the gnome had vanished. They got suspicious but headed on towards the Dancing Bear. They hoped they would find a riot so they could tail the rioters back to their lair. Their plan succeeded somewhat. There was a riot at the Dancing Bear. However the rioters were nearly making progress against the bouncers when Berenwick attempted to even the odds with a color spray. The mob was unaffected but came after Berenwick. Berenwick and Prosepon attempted to split up but the mob nearly caught Berenwick. Prosepon came to his aid and cracked a lot of heads with her brass knuckles. Berewick downed a few with his rapier. They weren't able to follow any of them as they were in a mess at their feet. Prosepon and Berenwick left the scene to avoid suspicion. However they did see the gnome again, watching them.

Onala, Tin, and Nessa headed for the Hammer and Pint to see if the girl's father was released. The staked out the tavern for a few minutes then went inside. Inside they found a standard looking tavern with booths around the edges and tables in the middle. Off in an alcove in an 'L' shape behind the bar a group of gnomes and a lone human male sat. They ordered their food and after a time the fake server girl (they never got her name) showed up. She walked over to the table and talked to the gnomes. Then she left with the human male. They assumed he was her father. Onala, Nessa, and Tin debated following them but decided to enjoy a meal instead.

That was when we had to break and where we'll pick up on Saturday.